Resources at Fox Trail in Paramus

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The Support You Need

At Fox Trail, our mission is to provide exceptional senior living services to you or your loved one. We have accumulated a list of resources to help you with every step, from guiding residents through assisted living, to offering support information for caregivers and team-members.

Resident Resources

The key to a thriving senior living community is ensuring that residents feel safe, healthy, and happy. Transitioning from independent living to assisted living can be difficult. Fortunately, Fox Trail is here to help make that transition easier. The following resources can be used to guide you, or your family through the senior living process.

Caregiver Resources

Caregivers are a vital part of every one of our resident’s lives. With 20+ years of experience, we know just how vital caregivers are to the process of delivering exceptional senior living. We’ve compiled the following resources to ensure every caregiver receives the information, guidance, and care they need.

Our Partnership with Patriot Angels

“Patriot Angels is leading the change to help U.S. Wartime Veterans and Spouses get approved for their Aid and Attendance benefits by streamlining the application process and cutting through the red tape. This is a huge benefit to U.S. Veterans and their caretaking families”- Suzette Graham, Patriot Angels CEO

To learn more about Patriot Angles click here!

Setting New Standards


We create custom programs for each memory care resident to better their quality of life. With the struggles of Alzheimer’s, dementia, and Parkinson’s in mind, we aim to engage our whole community.


Our services help make life in our community accessible and relaxing for everyone in our care. We also plan activities and other experiences to promote health and happiness.


We offer a number of activities, so every resident has the opportunity to join in on the fun. From on-site activities like gardening and bingo, to off-site events like going to the movies, we have something for everyone. 

Our Contact Information


  • 143 N Farview Ave
  • Paramus, NJ 07626


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